I tried method described here https://www.cech-pivo.cz/cs/blog/56-cejchovani-hrnce
And it worked - but i was not satisfied with the result & it took too long and to be honest - working with duct tape is driving me crazy.
I've used ordinary transparent duct tape instead of electrician type, because it better sticks on the surface and with knife i cut the shapes through template printed on office paper. Then i have transferred this template to the pot. Nightmare.
Why not to use 3D printer for making the template? With this new method i have successfully created scales for my 3 pots. All done at forenoon, so at noon i started to brew!

Required tools
- cotton swab
- shot of vinegar
- spoon of salt
- DC voltage source (i've used 12V, up to 1A is sufficient)
- stick glue, like KORES
- ethanol for cleaning
I've firstly filled the pot with 10l of water, marked the level and then aligned the template with it. Connect + to the pot and - to the swab and go through every hole in template. Soak it often, when the hissing goes off. Try this for example at the bottom of the pot, to see the result.


Comparing with the old "duck tape" method

Online model in OnShape
You will definetely need to adjust the model, because everyone has different pot. I have used variables in the model, so it should be possible to change the dimensions dynamically.